Amber Srivastava

Open positions: I have an open PhD positions in the area of optimization, learning, and climate science. If interested, please reach out to me with a short resume.

About me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at IIT-Delhi. Prior to this, I was a postdoctoral scholar with Dr. Roy S. Smith in the Automatic Control Laboratory at ETH Zürich. I received my PhD from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign under the supervision of Dr. Srinivasa M. Salapaka . Briefly, my research interest lies at the intersection of optimization, learning, and control.

Currently my research is in the following topics :

  • Learning, Identification, and control of large scale networks

  • Cyber-physical Manufacturing systems - Industry 4.0

  • Data-driven Framework for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

I received a Masters in Mathematics from UIUC in 2020, and completed my Bachelors in Technology from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 2014. For a brief period (July'14 to June'15), I was a Project Engineer with ITC Ltd (FMCG in India).